Unilag Diploma is also known as Unilag Foundation Programme. Or Unilag Jupeb. And it is a one year programme. Unilag Diploma Programme enables successful candidates to gain admission into 200level. And this is without writing Jamb or Post Utme.
But so many people think that there is a difference between Unilag Diploma and Unilag Jupeb. No there is not. Unilag Diploma is the same as Unilag Jupeb. And Unilag Jupeb is the same as Unilag Predegree. Also with Unilag Foundation Programme. So, whenever you come across anything about Unilag Diploma Programme, you must know that you are reading about Unilag Jupeb, Unilag Predegree or Unilag Foundation Programme.

Also, we should tell you that Unilag Diploma Form is the same as Unilag Jupeb Form. But if you don’t know much about Unilag Jupeb and Registration Requirements, it’s time to find out. Read our post on Unilag Jupeb Form. Also you can read Unilag Jupeb Programme. And to know how to register read Unilag Jupeb Registration Procedures.
Everything you need to know about Unilag Diploma is already there. But we will still tell you a bit here.
Unilag Diploma Programme Form is sold for N25,000. And you can only purchase the form directly from their website. Unilag Diploma Programme Website is foundation.unilag.edu.ng
Unilag Diploma Programme Portal is the same with Unilag Jupeb Portal. That also is the same website for Unilag Foundation programme.
What we are telling you in essence is that Unilag Diploma is popularly known also as Jupeb.
We will tell you how to buy Unilag Diploma Form. But as of the time we wrote this post (2-09-2019), Unilag Diploma Form is no longer on sale for 2019/2020 session.
The Form, popularly known also as Unilag Jupeb Form, has closed. And to confirm this, you can visit Unilag Diploma Programme Official Website via foundation.unilag.edu.ng
But don’t panic. Jupeb Forms generally have not closed. There is a way you can stillrregsiter for Jupeb. And this is another thing we are here to tell you.
We have told you that Unilag Diploma Programme is the same as Unilag Jupeb Programme. And you should know that Jupeb Programme was estbablished by a consortium of 10 partnering Universities led by the University of Lagos. What this means is simple. It means that other than Unilag, there are other places you can run your Jupeb Programme.
Even, because these Universities may not be able to accommodate all interested candidates, there are Private Jupeb Centres in Nigeria. These Jupeb Centres are licensed and accredited to run Jupeb.
What we are saying, and in other words, is that you can register for JUPEB through us. If you were unable to register for Unilag Diploma Programme before Unilag stopped selling their Unilag Diploma/Jupeb Form, there is still something you can do. And it is to register for JUPEB Programme with us. This will enable you stand a chance to gain admission into 200level at the end of the programme.
For those who do their Jupeb Programme with Private Jupeb Centres you’re in good hands. You are eligible to seek 200level admission into Unilag at the end of the Diploma/Jupeb session. Contact us on 0906766762 to know how to go about this.
To run your Diploma/Jupeb at Unilag, you must know this. Unilag Diploma fees is between N400,000 and N500,000. And this is without accommodation. Unilag Diploma programme is non-residential.
So, if you are hoping to register for Unilag Diploma 2020/2021 session, that’s the fees to gather. And you will need to wait till next registration period which is next year.
But why wait when you have an alternative. There are Jupeb Centres that will help you secure admission into Unilag without Jamb. And if you run your Jupeb programme with us, be sure of success. At the end of the Jupeb Session, which is the same time Unilag Diploma ends, all you have to do is purchase Direct Entry Form from Jamb Office. And we will guide you through the other processes to securing 200level admission into Unilag.
Just like Unilag Jupeb Fees is different from Unilorin Jupeb Fees. And Unilorin Jupeb Fees is different from OAU Jupeb Fees. Also our Jupeb Fees vary from one state to another. But if you are reading this post, we think you are likely to prefer Jupeb Centres in Lagos State.

So, how much is Jupeb in Lagos?
Jupeb Centre in Lagos will cost you N280,000. And this includes your Jupeb Tuition fees, text books, acceptance fees, accommodation and exam fees. Also, you should know our address. Our Jupeb Centre in Lagos is at Palm Grove Bus Stop, Ikorodu Road. While our Jupeb Registration Centre in Lagos is at Ponle Bus Stop, Egbeda.
The only requirement you need to be eligible to register for Unilag Diploma is your O’level Results. But this is if you are registering directly with Unilag. For those who want to use Awaiting Result, we permit that. It’s just that your O’level Result must be ready before the end of the session. This is because you will need that to process your Direct Entry Admission.
Do you still remember? We said that Unilag Diploma is the same with Unilag Jupeb. And that Unilag Foundation programme is the same with Unilag Diploma? So, anytime you come across any information concerning any of them, they are the same thing.
Unilag Diploma offers all courses in Unilag.
Below is a list of Courses offered in Unilag Diploma Programme but not in alphabetical order.
- Law
- Accounting
- Biochemistry
- Actuarial Science
- Adult Education
- Dentistry
- Biology Education
- Botany
- Computer Science
- Chemistry
- Architecture
- Building
- Business Administration
- Educational Administration
- Chemical Engineering
- English
- English Education
- Finance
- Geography
- French
- Geography Education
- Estate Management
- Fisheries
- Geology
- Geophysics
- Zoology
- Psychology
- Radiography
- Sociology
- Music
- Nursing
- Pharmacy
- Microbiology
- Physics
- Philosophy
- Quantity Surveying
- Physiotherapy
- Political Science
- Theatre Arts
- Systems Engineering
- Yoruba
- Political Science
- Physiology
- Sports Science
- Russian
- Visual Arts
- Cell Biology & Genetics
- Business Education
- Economics
- Economics Education
- Guidance and Counselling
- History and Strategic Studies
- Industrial Relations and Personnel Management
- Insurance
- Home Economics
- Human Kinetics and Health Education
- Integrated Science
- Marine Biology
- Medical Laboratory
- Nursing Sciences
- Mass Communication
- Medicine and Surgery
- Petroleum and Gas Engineering
Pharmacology - Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Urban and Regional Planning
The above and many more courses that we did not remember to include in the list are courses offered in the Unilag Diploma, Unilag Jupeb, Unilag Foundation,Unilag Predegree Programme.
Contact us on 090676676 for more information.